INVEST IN what works
We know that listening is the first ingredient to building positive relationships that lead to trust, connections, and sustained impact.
We direct resources toward the community’s abiding strengths versus placing a bandage on short-term issues. Metanoia weds strong management and fiscal practice with innovative approaches to community development. Whether it be our annual fund, support of specific initiatives, or investment in the Old Chicora Capital Campaign, we welcome opportunities to listen and learn together.
Ways you can make a difference:
Make an online gift.
Send a check to our address at 2005 Reynolds Ave., North Charleston, SC 29405.
Set up recurring donations (monthly, quarterly, or annually) online or through your financial institution’s bill pay program.
Give the gift of stock. Contact Bryan Adams to help with your transfer.
Consider a legacy gift through our planned giving program. Learn more by clicking here!
Give to your company’s United Way campaign or employee matching program and designate your funds to Metanoia.
The Metanoian Circle is an accountable community of people that advances the mission of Metanoia.
Together, we are working for a more just, equitable, and thriving community for all. Our goal is to develop an environment that builds stronger relationships between people who support the work of Metanoia and facilitate connections to that work.
2022-2023 Metanoian Circle Leadership Team (L-R): Kelly Rose, Ed Rose, Julie Ellison, Rev. Bill Stanfield, David Wood, David Ward, Grace Cowan (Chair), Jim Pascutti; Not pictured: Oriana Brown, Sharon Ward. (Photo credit: Aneris Photography)
what does participation look like?
Attend fun and informative quarterly social events and insider briefings from Metanoia leadership
Participate in preferred volunteer experiences
Build connections with other like-minded people and Metanoia
Serve as an advocate for Metanoia
Share your passion
want to learn more?
If you are interested in participating in the Metanoian Circle, please contact Bryan Adams, Director of Development, at (843) 529-3014 ext. 104 or by email at bryan@metanoiasc.org.